Test Suite and automationΒΆ

A series of unit and integration tests are run automatically with every pull request or merge to the Github repository. Running the tests locally is also possible by running pytest within a cloned Paramak repo. The testing dependencies may be installed alongside Paramak by calling:

pip install -e .[tests]

Running the tests locally simply requires:

pytest tests

Similarly, the examples notebooks may be tested by calling:

pytest examples_tests

The status of the tests is available on the CircleCI account CircleCI account.

The test suite can be explored on the Gihub source code repository.

In addition to automated tests we also have automated code style formatting using autopep8 and Github Actions.

Continuing the theme of automation we also have automated distribution updates. The distribution is performed by PyPI and this is kept up to date using Github Actions (upload python package) which trigger on every merge to the main branch.

There are also plans for a continuously updated Dockerhub image in the pipeline.